Season 7 Episode 15 | Creating a Community of Belonging

How many spaces do you have in your life where you feel like you can be completely, totally, one HUNDRED percent yourself?

For a lot of us, that answer might be "not many" or even (eek) "none." Especially for anyone navigating the world with marginalized identities.

So this week I want to talk about how to create a community of belonging, and why it's important to trauma sensitivity. Because when you create a space where people show up as exactly who they are, and who they are in that moment, and be alongside other people doing the same — incredible things can happen.

I'm so happy that you're here with me. As always, I would absolutely love to hear from you. If you have questions, or a topic you'd like me to cover, or anything else, don't be shy! Just shoot me an email at

Want to learn even more about creating a culture of belonging, or being a part of one? READY might be right for you! Here's how to get started:
Step 1 - Review Information on my Website.
Step 2 - Complete the Application form.
Step 3 - Book a call here.

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